The Society of G.K. Chesterton

New York City Chesterton Society

The New York City Chesterton Society was founded in the year of Our Lord 2000. We are based in New York City, but we draw our members from around the greater New York metropolitan area. (Some members have come from as far away as Brazil and France.) We are an informal group. No dues, no secret handshakes, mumbo-jumbo and jiggery-pokery. We pick a Chesterton book for discussion and pursue it several chapters at a time at the meeting. By checking the Upcoming Meetings section of our website you can see what is to be discussed and do the reading beforehand. While we do allow some digressions, we do try to stay on topic.

For more information, visit the chapter website or contact Kevin.

Society Leadership

Kevin Flaherty

[email protected]

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Meeting Information

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