The Society of G.K. Chesterton

Southtowns Chesterton Society

Started by amateur-Chestertonian Brady Webb, the goals of this chapter are to:

1. Drink deeply from the font of Chesterton’s wisdom, innocence, and joy

2.Fight the blight of intellectual and spiritual poverty in ourselves and in our society via the study of G.K. Chesterton (and associates).

3. Provide an atmosphere of comfort and conviviality through the mediums of food, drink, and discussion

4. Coordinate attending conferences and special events, bringing in guest speakers, and attend or create other events that help us become better Chestertonians!

We will read and discuss – trying to understand and learn from the enormous mind and spirit that is the great G. K. Chesterton. No fees, no forms, just bring yourself and your friends. Anyone under 21 can come as long as they are with an adult. We wouldn’t be very good budding Chestertonians if we forbade children and babies! Make it your night out, date night, family night, or whatever excuse you have to make to get free food and the even more nourishing wisdom from the Apostle of Common Sense!(Oh, and did we mention dinner? Make sure to RSVP if you know you are coming, so that Brady brings enough food!)

Society Leadership

Brady Webb

Text the word GILBERT to 84576 (this will put you in the chapter's "Flocknote" text and email group, which is how Brady will primarily contact everyone and send extra materials/readings/etc). You can also just send an email to [email protected].

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Meeting Information

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