What is a Harrisburg Area Chesterton Society gathering like? Picture this: 1) A small group of friends 2) gathering in someone’s home for some refreshments and a glass of wine/beer/other beverage of choice and 3) reading and casually discussing a selection from the vast corpus of one of the wisest, most prolific, insightful, joyful and witty authors who ever wrote in the English language. Chesterton wrote about 100 books, contributed to hundreds more, and wrote countless thousands of essays during his career, and his insights are just as profound today as they were a century ago. If you’re interested in joining us for a gathering, feel free to email us!
Harrisburg Area Local Chesterton Society
Society Leadership
Mike Creavey
Connect online
Meeting Information
- We gather in a member's home on the fourth Sunday of the month. Please email for further information about upcoming gatherings, locations, and meeting times.
Meeting Location
- Camp Hill, PA, USA